Welcome to MMG College of General Santos City

Medical Mission Group College - The School of Faith


The MMG College of General Santos City, Inc. aims to serve as a venue for students to discover their potentials, develop their talents, acquire positive values of being God-fearing, patriotic, honest and compassionate, and to enhance their productivity, skills, and abilities to become globally competitive, thereby enabling them to fulfill their life’s purpose.


The MMG College of General Santos City, Inc. envisions globally competitive graduates who are productive, skillful and competent, and who embrace the values of being God-fearing, patriotic, honest, and compassionate in order to leave an important legacy and contribution to nation-building and social growth.



Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Accountancy, Business & Management


Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science




Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education

Bachelors of Science

Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education


Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science




  • Discipline – We shall always be on time meeting our appointments and be guided by our thinking above our emotions.
  • Unity – We shall connect our life to all concerned without discrimination.
  • Courage – We shall overcome our fears to explore more learnings. We shall adventure all opportunities that come our way.
  • Hard work – All our gains we deserve are always the fruit of our productive work.
  1. We shall bring prosperity to our families and communities.
  2. We shall not live in dilapidated houses. We shall repair our houses and work towards constructing new houses as soon as possible. We shall keep our environment clean.
  3. We shall grow vegetables all the year around. We shall eat plenty of them and sell the surplus.
  4. During the planting season, we shall plant as many as possible, restore and sustain the environment by planting trees.
  5. We shall plan and keep our families small. We shall minimize our expenditures to necessities and patronize Filipino products. We shall look after our health.
  6. We shall educate and give time with our children and ensure that we can earn to pay for their education.
  7. We shall provide opportunities to our children, invest on them so they will have a bright and fruitful future.
  8. We shall build toilets and use them. We shall keep our houses and environment clean
  9. We shall build a supply and drink potable water.
  10. We shall not take any dowry for our son’s weddings; neither shall we give any dowry in our daughter’s weddings. We shall not practice child or early marriage or when they are not yet prepared to face life alone.
  11. We shall not inflict any injustice on anyone; neither shall we allow anyone to do so.
  12. We shall respect the opinions and faith of others, learn from their success & shortcomings with an open heart and exercise religious liberty in all situation.
  1. We shall be true Christians and Muslims serving as brothers.
  2. For higher income we shall collectively undertake bigger investments for ourselves, families and our cooperative. We shall set aside from our earnings & savings for future and emergency needs.
  3. We shall always be ready to help each other. If anyone is in difficulty, we shall all help.
  4. If we come to know of any breach of discipline, we shall all go there and help restore discipline.
  5. We shall take part in all social activities collectively and be sensitive to the needs of our neighbors and work for the common good.
  6. We shall be temperate in all our passions and deal only on issues that matters.


  1. We shall not have excuses in failing our commitments & contracts. We shall not make our religion an excuse to our failures but an inspiration & guide to our success for today, for tomorrow.
  2. We shall demand receipt every time we buy, pay taxes and encourage others to do so.
  3. We shall obey the traffic laws and other laws of the land.
  4. We shall not say something bad against our fellow man and our country but instead find solutions.
  5. We shall allot time to our neighbors just as much for ourselves. We shall look into the welfare of strangers.
  6. We shall participate in elections & vote for our leaders without being bribed and support their programs that builds our community and country.
  7. We shall not corrupt anyone especially government officials and if we decide to be an official, we shall not be corrupt.
  8. We shall support the organizations where we belong and help pursue its mission and goals. We shall not be lazy but make the best of our time. By watching and doing things that matters.
  9. Our battle cry is – “FIGHT POVERTY”.

MMG College of General Santos City

Medical Mission Group College - The School of Faith